Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Apple iPhoto 09's Face Detection and Recognition

Click here for a larger view on my Flickr stream.

I'm just getting started with Apple iPhoto 09. I'll post a detailed review later, but for now, I had to show off my first glimpse at its face detection and recognition. I imported all of my photos from Aperture to iPhoto as JPGs.

I had the option to share previews between the two apps so that when I update a photo in Aperture, its preview is shared with iPhoto - however, I'm running out of disk space as it is, and have been considering separating out my photo browsing from post-processing. The extra time required to go back and modify a photo, then replace the copy in iPhoto should be worth it in the long run.

So, for this screenshot, I clicked on a photo that I was in, found a box that was already drawn around my face, then clicked the arrow under it. It presented me with about 20 photos, most of which had me in them. After selecting them, it showed me a bunch more - apparently having a better idea of what I look like.

So far, so good - this is going to be fun!


InfoMofo said...

Hey, so does iPhoto import your contacts from your Apple address book? I can't seem to find this information anywhere.

Blake said...

InfoMofo - Sorry for the lagged response. I thought I had email notification for comments turned on... Clearly, I didn't.

Ya know, I never thought of looking for that feature, but now that you bring it up, I really want it.

It's a little upsetting how much room for improvement there is right now for integration between iPhoto, Aperture, and the system. Your suggestion is just one good example of this.

Make sure to submit the suggestion as feedback from within iPhoto.

Marina Siljehav said...

InfoMofo; No, iPhotot does not import you contacts from your Apple address book but with this program you can! http://prosopagnosia.dessibelle.se/