Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rock & Fossil Macro Shoot: Trilobite!

Check out my Flickr page for this shot, as well as other fossils and rocks shot with this setup.

I recently received a request for permission to use this photo in a non-profit magazine on Mexican biodiversity by the conservation group, Naturalia.  This particular trilobite will be featured in an essay about extinction.

SPOILER ALERT: trilobites have recently (around 250 million years ago) become extinct.

So, let's get down to how I shot this.  

I placed the sample on a couple of sheets of printer paper.  I then taped together a ring of printer paper to surround the sample.  I used my Canon ST-E2 infrared transmitter to fire off two Canon 430EX strobes that were placed right up against the ring of paper.  The paper acted as a diffuser, which bounced soft light all about inside the ring, reducing shadows on the fossil.  All of this light let me use f/22 with my Canon 100mm macro lens, which I hand-held at 1/250sec.

Here's my personal favorite from the shoot:

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